Immortal Curse Series Illustrated Hardback Volume One
Immortal Curse Series
Illustrated Edition
Volume One
In a world where vampires and angels live in secret, one woman is prophesied to destroy them all...
Flip the pages for quotes from the most memorable scenes in the Immortal Curse universe. Color in the illustrations drawn by coloring book artist Arnild C. Aldepolla. And enjoy the beautiful visuals drawn and painted by the talented Keni Aryani.
The Immortal Curse Illustrated Edition is a Collector's Book for Immortal Curse fans. It includes illustrations and scenes from Blood Laws, Forbidden Bonds, Blood Heart, Elder Bonds, Blood Bonds, and Angel Bonds.
Author's Note:
Balthazar had some say in these drawings. Those of you familiar with B know he's not shy. You've been warned. This is a book for your nightstands, not the living room.